Will Bellingham turn into a city where a large portion of the population drinks bottled water and the tap water is avoided and ridiculed as in other cities?
Opportunities to Take Action to protect clean and safe drinking water
1) With more cities across Washington and and the nation choosing not to fluoridate their drinking water, fluoridation interests are increasing looking to force the issue on cities and town through state legislatures and on the federal level. As an example, an attempt to force all cities within Oregon to fluoridate was made in 2005 which was narrowly rejected.
Contact your state and federal representative today and urge them to not attempt to force fluoridation on cities through preemption. (see contact info below). Cities such as Bellingham should have the right to make their own decisions concerning their drinking water supplies and not have fluorosilicic acid forced upon them.
2) Download, print out campaign material here and pass around to family members, friends and others concerned with clean and safe water:
b. Two page : Brochure [front] : [back] (print out then copy to make double sided tri-fold brochure. See .jpeg format below if needed).
You can also mail any of the documents to friends, family and anyone you know concerned about clean drinking water in Bellingham
3) Keep up to date on the fluoride issue in Bellingham at http://www.noforcedfluoride.org. Send the link to your friends and family to let them learn about the issue. The web page is now regularly updated "Bellingham Fluoride News Update." The site links to literally hundreds of original source materials, scientific studies, and PDC forms, where one can study the matter.
5) Send a donation of $35 to $60 today to
Danelle Weaver, Tresurer Healthy Goals for Bellingham 2716 St. Claire St. Bellingham, WA 98226-4004
(registered Washington PAC)
(Neglible cost compared to the cost of bottled water, a water service, or installing and maintaining a reverse osmosis water filter.)
6) Volunteer and email the group to help in any way you are able. Do you have special skills or contacts?
7) Send a letter to the editor to your local paper in support of clean water (Bellingham Herald, Whatcom Independent, Bellingham Weekly or Whatcom Watch and others)
8) Sign the Protect Our Water petition at www.powalliance.org (national) to "join with members of eleven EPA unions in their call for an immediate Congressional act placing a national moratorium on water fluoridation pending a full Congressional investigation into this public policy"